Lexi-Rayne raised £582.50 for Community First Responders
We would like to congratulate Lexi-Rayne on such an amazing achievement. Well done, everyone at Aylsham High School are very proud of you.
Please see Lexie's message below of how and why she started to raise this money:
During the first lockdown I found it difficult not being able to see my friends and family and spent a lot of time making things with my sewing machine and video calling on facetime with one of my friends, Sydnee, in Canada. We have only met once in six years but have stayed in touch ever since.
When we heard how the NHS was struggling with COVID 19 pandemic I thought up the Idea of raising money whilst doing what we enjoyed. I made bookmarks, dream catchers, face masks and lots of other things and asked for a donation from customers. We managed to raise over £1,000 and were in the news both here and in Canada. I then chose to donate my half of the money, £582.50 to a local charity, Aylsham community first responders who are all volunteers for the ambulance service. The money went towards the equipment they use such as a defibrillator and also a pulse oximeter which I was able to have a go with.
Lexi-Rayne Vincent