Work Experience
Year 10 work experience week is Monday 15th to Friday 19th July 2024
We use a careers platform called Unifrog to administer our work experience. Once a student has found a placement, they need to log on to Unifrog and complete the Student Initial Form. This will trigger emails to the Employer, parent/carer and the school, to ensure we have all the information we need to approve the placement.
Please note, when completing the Student Initial Form:
1. You will be completing an in-person placement, not a virtual placement
2. The placement co-ordinator is Mrs Wiseman
If you cannot find your Unifrog log-in, please go to and log in using your school email to reset it.
Resources for work experience placements
Following are some videos and links which may be useful when you are planning a work experience placement:
Explore Work Experience - Youth Employment UK
Choosing and finding your dream work experience placement video
How to find work experience video
How to get the best from your work experience video
Dealing with first day nerves video
Attached below are our work experience booklets for students, and employers, as well as other supporting resources and information.