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Homework Policy

We want our students to have a rounded education. We want to give students the very best chances of succeeding in GCSE and vocational qualifications and also to have the time to pursue individual interests and hobbies. To achieve this it is vital to have some homework but not so much that it gets in the way of a full and active life. The quality of homework and its relevance to main class teaching is more important than the amount set (homework, secondary EEF, 2020)

We feel it is impossible for most students to reach their potential if they are not working effectively out of school.

GCSEs are rigorous academic qualifications. Most of the marks for GCSE are awarded in written exams at the end of the course. To do well in many subjects students need to have learnt the core knowledge for that subject and have practised applying it to many different situations. Homework can be used to provide students with opportunities for independent practice which helps develop confidence and consolidation of learning. Effective homework supports student learning and progress.

Students at AHS are keen to do well in their qualifications so it is essential that we equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to flourish and be successful. We hope through setting homework regularly from year 7 through to the end of year 11, students will feel well prepared and supported to complete their qualifications. The skills and knowledge required to be successful are best developed over the 5 years of high school. This approach will help students to build on their learning each year, reducing the feeling of pressure and stress in year 11. Students who complete homework on a regular basis, from year 7 to 11, are better prepared to complete their exams at the end of year 11.

Each subject is different; the most effective homework for science will be very different to that in art. Each department has therefore contributed to this policy to give an idea of what students will be expected to do in their subject.

While it is important to complete homework on a regular basis, we do recognise that students will have other interests, hobbies and commitments in their lives. Therefore we will endeavour to make each homework set valuable and supportive of student learning, explaining to students the purpose of the homework and a time limit to complete the homework.

At Key Stage 3 (years 7-9) we would expect there to be about 1 hour per fortnight for the subjects that have the most curriculum time, these are: English, maths, science and French. All other subjects should set between 30 minutes and an hour per fortnight. This would work out at about 4-6 hours of homework spread across a week. If a piece were taking much longer then the student should stop and you should let the teacher know with a note or email.

At Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11 and GCSE/vocational courses) there should be between 1-2 hour homework per fortnight for all subjects. This works out to be up to 14 hours a fortnight, about an hour per day. On occasions it might be a little more but again it should not be all consuming.

We recognise that one of the challenges with homework is what students should do if they get stuck whilst completing the work. Each subject will outline what happens in this eventuality, for example providing students with help videos, instructions of where to look in their notes or an email address from which support can be requested. However, if the homework is causing stress at home the student should stop and seek help from their teacher when next in school. Again this should be accompanied with a note or email from the parent.

Homework also provides students with an opportunity to learn how to manage their time and prioritise their activities. To help with this, homework will be set with a deadline which allows students to attempt their homework initially, and should they get stuck, there is time remaining to get support if needed to complete the task fully and on time. If a student were becoming anxious about homework in a particular subject this becomes even more important. Leaving homework until the last minute will not allow students to gain support required and will impact on the quality of work produced.

To help monitor homework, it will be recorded in SIMS Parent and SIMS Student. This means that both families and students can check to see which homework has been set along with completion dates. Feedback has shown that communicating information in this way allows for families to support their child and help monitor deadline dates.

Some homework requires the use of technology; we realise this can be a barrier for some students at home. To help with this we have homework clubs before school, during lunchtime and after school which students can attend to access technology or to even find a quiet space to complete their homework. If there are barriers in this area please do contact your child’s form tutor to let us know.

We all, on occasions, forget things; as teachers we understand this and will try to be sensitive of students that have made a genuine error in forgetting either to bring or to complete a piece of homework. However, homework is not optional and we must therefore insist students complete a reasonable amount. We will therefore ask students that have not completed work by the date required to see us with it the next day, or join a session in their break or lunch time to catch up on the missed work.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to see departmental policies.


Aylsham High School’s homework policy is in place to

  • Encourage students to be more successful by forming good homework habits. Homework should promote self-confidence and understanding.
  • Consolidate learning by setting homework that is clearly related to on-going classroom work.
  • Set consistent homework with a clear link to classwork and previous homework.
  • Ensure homework set is manageable and indicates the length of time it should take to complete the work. 
  • Set homework that is challenging but not too difficult.
  • Provide recognition or reward for work done.
  • Provide students with strategies and resources to help them unstick themselves and successfully complete the homework.
  • Ensure that teaching staff, parents and students are aware of their responsibilities with regard to homework.
  • Ensure that parents have clarity on what their child is expected to do.
  • Provide students with feedback on completed homework which supports future learning and progress.


The role of the leadership team and Governors

  • Check compliance with the policy.
  • Monitor the policy through the quality assurance process.
  • Review the policy regularly and make appropriate updates as required.
  • Ensure that new parents are informed about our expectations with regard to homework.

The role of the head of department and SENDCo:

  • Develop a departmental approach to homework and feedback.
  • Ensure all homework given is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum.
  • Monitor the frequency and quality of homework set in the department.
  • Ensure that support systems are in place to help students unstick themselves.
  • Support teachers in dealing with students who have not completed their homework, liaising with students and parents as necessary.
  • ensure homework set is accessible for all students.

The role of the teacher:

  • Plan and set up a regular programme of homework for students.
  • Provide an explanation of homework tasks and ensure all students understand what they have to do.
  • Provide an expected completion time for the homework.
  • Ensure that vulnerable learners, including students with SEND, have understood the homework task and that it is clearly recorded.
  • Ensure all homework given is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum.
  • Set homework that is appropriate to the student’s ability.
  • Monitor homework regularly and make sure students are completing it to the best of their ability.
  • Give feedback to students according to the department’s feedback policy.
  • Communicate with parents/carer if there is a problem regarding homework.
  • Set homework during the lesson, allowing time for it to be explained and address any questions which the student may have.
  • Model what the successful completion of homework will look like.
  • Model the approach which students will need to take to complete the homework e.g. if students are required to learn core knowledge, teachers show and model learning strategies to do this, if students are completing written activities, strategies and approaches required have been modelled in class.
  • Ensure homework takes equal opportunities into account and that the needs of students are considered.
  • Record homework in SIMS so that it is communicated to students and their families.
  • Record the completion of homework in SIMS so that it is communicated to students and their families.

The role of parents/carers:

  • Support their child in completing homework.
  • Monitor SIMS so that you are aware of the homework which is being set and deadlines.
  • Make sure that their child completes homework to a high standard and on time.
  • Provide suitable conditions and resources for their child to complete homework.
  • Guide your child to attend homework clubs to support them if required.
  • Inform teachers of any issues that may arise and co-operate with the school to find a solution.

The role of students:

  • Complete homework to the best of your ability, taking pride in the presentation and content of your work, making use of the support resources if needed.
  • Plan how best to use your time to complete the homework by the deadline required.
  • Monitor SIMS so that you are aware of the homework which is being set and deadlines.
  • Make sure you understand the tasks that have been set and seek clarification if required.

Homework procedures

  • All homework will be uploaded and can be accessed via SIMS.
  • Departments must have a clear rationale for homework tasks.
  • Homework will be set regularly.
  • The completion of homework is compulsory and teachers will expect homework to be completed on time and to a high standard.